Thursday, January 28, 2010

Re: Highrises

This city could drive me to drinking and probably already has. The latest move by some members of the Board of Stupidvisors is a good example as reported in this morning's SF Chronicle.

"Again, another short-sighted, reactionary measure from the Board of Supervisors to "fix" a problem that isn't a problem. And due to the lack of voters in June's election, this will probably pass as a result of an ill informed public and left wing progressives. (Who wouldn't vote to save SUNLIGHT?!?) It seems many don't realize that these buildings may only cast small slivers of shadows on certain parks at certain times during the year (like in the winter), and they'd be stopped with this ballot measure. SF should be encouraging smart development like Transbay Terminal and Hunters Point, which would create more jobs and grow our tax base. This is also a power grab by the Board of Supervisors. I'd rather let PLANNING decisions be left to the professionals at the Planning Department and Planning Commission. Don't politicize the development process even further by giving more power over the the Board."

Sometimes I think some residents would return the city to the log cabin days of past centuries. San Francisco Progressives are NOT progressive, they are ill-informed and backwards in a lot of their thinking, if they think at all.

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