Friday, February 24, 2012

Life in the City of San Francisco

I have grown very tired of this city during the past 37 years of living here.  It used to be a neat city and it still is in many ways but after traveling the world and seeing other things and how life could be if the government had a spine and would enforce its laws, I get very frustrated with this mess of a city.  The benevolent dictatorship of Singapore is a perfect example of a very well run filth and garbage on the streets, a well run and efficient mass transit system, people not standing in doorways and or on corners smoking pot, no stinky and smelly homeless and beggars on the corners looking for a handout.  Even in the less efficiently run city of Bangkok I do not find such problems either.

Guess I have just burned out on this place but I am too old to move anywhere else now and could not afford it anyway.  Moving across town is hard enough but moving across the country or to another country would be next to impossible.  Oh well, at least I have enjoyed my stay here and have many fond memories and now must make the best of a bad situation here.

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