Monday, May 28, 2012

Arab Holocaust

President Bashar al-Assad of Syria has got to be the modern equivalent of Adolph Hitler as he slaughters his own people and is showing no mercy despite pleas from the world community.  How much longer will the holocaust go on?  Some people are calling for the U.S. to arm the rebels.  That sounds nice but would probably be the one event to push the country into total civil war.   And as the U.S. pulls out of Iraq, this would be the last thing we need at this time.

The solution, if there is one, is a total commitment from our Allies but how to get war weary countries to intervene is a vexing problem and in this case Russia is not on our side in this conflict which exacerbates the problem.

It is this sort of thing which makes watching the news on TV so depressing.   I used to be a news junkie but now most of the news seems bad and that includes the violence in the U.S. with murders, single and multiple, on the increase.

Where will this all end?

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