Wednesday, June 29, 2005

It is too bad that pit bull owners are in such denial about the dangers their dogs present. At the very least all should be spayed and neutured but no, they think they (the owners) are being picked on. Well, yes, in a sense they are as they should not even have one of those dangerous creatures around in the first place.

And another area where new laws are needed is in the area of security breaches regarding personal information which is disappearing into the wrong hands. David Lazarus' article in this morning's SF Chronicle points this out but of course, the financial institutions are fighting this tooth and nail. Corporate America certainly has its fingers and hands firmly entrenched into the pockets of Congress.

Wow, I guess I can be glad that I am not frm Australia. This posting on one of their Embassy's websites paints a bleak and dangerous picture. If one had never been in Thailand then they might be scared off from ever visiting if this report is the only one they had to go on. I can understand their concern but it is somewhat exaggerated in this travel advice to their citizens.

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