Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I am seeing red. The naivete of some Americans is very difficult to take. While watching the news on TV tonight I heard one family complain about Rudolph Giuliani who, according to their own words, has been playing the hero role since 9/11 when all the real heroes are now dead. Damn...how stupid can some people be?!?!?!?!? Rudolph Giuliani took on the city of New York long before 9/11 and corrected a lot of serious problems and made it a livable city once again. Then these people being interviewed on TV had the gall to accuse Giuliani of not doing more to protect the city. Based on previous attacks there and in other locations these people apparently expected this one man to know more than the entire U.S. Military and Intelligence Services. GIVE ME A BREAK. GET REAL. If you don't want Giuliani to be president that is one thing but don't expect him to do something all of our intelligence services could not do.

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