Saturday, September 08, 2007

Not satisfied with crippling the State of California with Proposition 13, those scoundrels at the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer's Foundation are at again but this time they attack renters directly with their ballot proposition entitled "Government Acquisition, Regulation of Private Property". If passed this would repeal all rent control laws throughout the State. This would not happen to all units on the same day but as they become vacant however this would lead eventually to there being no rent control within the State of California at all. This is a scary proposition to say the least and would result in a huge increase in the amount of homeless people. I, for one, cannot afford a so-called market rate apartment so I would be stuck in this apartment for the rest of my life.

So, if you encounter someone who asks you to sign a petition to get something onto the February or June 2008 ballot, be VERY VERY careful about what you sign. Apparently the official summary of the measure (printed at the top of each petition) clearly states that it repeals rent control, so tenants should not be easily fooled. The opening sentences read: "Bars state and local governments from condemning or damaging private property for private uses. Prohibits rent control and similar measures."

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