Friday, November 30, 2007

If a Clinton administration is going to be some sort of a faith based administration pandering to the religious right then there is no way I could vote for her or any other candidate doing so. Those people have already caused enough damage to this country and to the world and I for one could not tolerate another four or eight years of such bull----. If such a person were elected then I would have to consider seeking sanctuary in another country, perhaps Australia, where they finally got their head on straight and got rid of John Howard. The most dangerous candidate now running however, is Mitt Romney, whom a good friend in Massachusetts sometimes referred to as a fascist and given the hard line stance of the LDS Church, I am not surprised.

My candidate at this time is Rudolph Guliani. He has his detractors to be sure but folks, remember, we are electing a president, not a saint.

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