Monday, November 19, 2007

"Out damn spot". In this case the spot is Comcast with their less than stellar Internet service and their nearly non-existent customer service. The last time I called them about a problem they all but blamed me for the problem. Also, I have not received any replies to two letters to them regarding messages which foreign correspondents have tried to send to me but which were subsequently bounced back to the respective senders. My correspondents sent me the error codes which I forwarded to Comcast but to no avail. These bounced messages involve the fact that my IP address is blacklisted by some mail servers for suspected spam. Nothing could be further from the truth as I am not a purveyor of spam.So now I am ready to pull the plug on their Internet service here once I can get DSL from another vendor up and operating.

So buyers beware. COMCAST sucks! :-(

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