Friday, February 08, 2008

Oh, rats! At least that is what Harrison Ford said in a movie a number of years ago. In my case it would be, "Oh bugs!". Since Christmas I seem to have been invaded from where I know not. I do know that I cannot find the nesting place of these critters that only come out at night and I know that if I move from my regular bed to the sofabed which is only about ten feet away, I do not get bit. Also, apartment # 302 is being worked on by the maintenance crew and they have been there all week making a lot of strange noises that I am not familiar with. As vacancies occur in this building I do know that they do considerable remodeling of vacant units but this week the sounds I am hearing seem to go above and beyond the usual sounds of remodeling. Does the occupant of 302, or did the occupant of that unit have a bed bug problem which has now spread to my unit and possibly beyond??? How do I deal with this without panicking anyone? If Tanya, the resident manager were more readily available I could ask her what is going on upstairs but I seldom see her as she seems to have become a semi-recluse since Don died a few years ago. What to do, what to do, WTD?????

By the way, in Thailand in January it was mosquitoes that liked me. Now I seem to be host to a non-flying brand of pest. Grrrrrrr.......

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