Friday, April 18, 2008

My favorite letter to the editor appears in today's SF Examiner. This is probably the best this week if not all month or all year and I will quote verbatim here.
"The latest flap over Barack Obama's statement regarding "small-town bitterness" was a jaw-dropper for me. I was born in one of those small eastern Pennsylvania towns and spent the first 22 years of my life there.

First, let me state that he is 100% right.

The shocker for me was that this was obviously a "rookie mistake". Any savvy politician knows that you don't tell Americans the truth, you pander and tell them only what they want to hear. You don't get elected in this country by speaking the truth. Americans can't handle the truth."
And ain't that the truth! This week's so-called debate was really pathetic as there was nothing of substance in the questions and answers. This only served to confuse people and make it easier for John McCain to be elected and as another letter writer pointed out today, "He (McCain) is a warrior, and a warrior needs a war to prove himself. That's not what we need as a president".

Stop the world I want to get off. Or, to make things really interesting, I would be willing to volunteer for the first manned flight to Mars.

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