Friday, August 15, 2008

I see that the local Democratic party is trying to put together what it calls "The Hope Slate" for citywide elections this fall. Ha! This is really "The Hopeless Slate". This group of ultra-liberals wants to decriminalize prostitution, get rid of JROTC from public schools, set up public power by taking over PG&E, and wants to reject Mayor Newsom's special court in the Tenderloin known at the "Community Justice Center". They are really hopeless and are why this city is in such a mess now. Then we have the stupid ranked choice in city elections which was foisted off on the public a few years ago. It is hard enough to choose one candidate for an office...choosing three in ranked order is impossible.

Meanwhile, over at NBC, we find the network inundating us with hour after hour of beach volleyball from a city which does not have beaches. How boring!

Oh well, at least we know who will NOT be Barack Obama's running mate this fall.

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