Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Newspaper reading (continued) & rain

The other day I said "Who the hell wants to stay in the john long enough to read a newspaper"? Actually, that was somewhat of a rhetorical question because we have had people in the office with that reputation. Even one of the administrative assistants sent me into the men's room one time looking for a manager. (He was last seen heading in that direction with a newspaper.) LOL Personally, I want to get in and out as quickly as possible.

On other matters, when is this infernal rain in San Francisco going to end? January was very dry but February and now March are very wet. In fact, today I got caught in two cloudbursts going to and from the doctor's office. The second time there was even hail mixed in with the downpour. Looks like Wednesday again will be wet but with any luck we might start drying out in the next few days.

Then the $64,000,000 question: When is the stock market going to start going up? My retirement accounts have lost far too much value during the past three months and I may have to start panhandling to make ends meet. LOL (I would be terrible at that.)

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