Thursday, August 20, 2009

Let's Hear it for Medicare

Excellent letter this morning...

"In all the angst about a government option for health care, Cynthia Tucker ("Shouting, stomping won't cure need for health reform," Insight, Aug. 9) reminds us that many Americans misunderstand the Medicare option.

As one who has received Medicare for 17 years, my experience calls for pure praise for this government-run, taxpayer-supported program.

Accessible? The service has never let me down. My fee-for-service Medicare lets me choose my own doctors and see them without precondition. The system pays all my medical bills except for routine physical and eye exams.

With a model like this, it's hard to understand the wave of suspicion facing a government option for health care."


Palo Alto


The only problems we have with Medicare is that it is underfunded and Congress keeps borrowing/stealing from the Medicare fund for other things. Stop that "borrowing" and raise Social Security taxes and there won't be a Medicare funding problem.

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