Saturday, October 24, 2009

Night out at the Opera (or symphony)

I have been a season ticket holder since 1976 and during all but the first few years I have been attending performances on Saturday evenings. During the intervening years things have become crazier and crazier in this city and as I get older and older I just can't tolerate the attitudes and actions of some young people. They have no class, they are rowdy, and some of them are complete jerks. So I think it is time to switch back to Sunday afternoon, Series L, where I started. The commute home, whether by foot or by bus, is very trying these days and puts me in a fowl mood which is the opposite of what the music has just done and I am tired of having those good feelings undone by a bunch of immature imbeciles. And yes, I know I am letting them get to me and that is not good. Why can't I ignore such foolishness?

Anyway, I will not be able to make any changes right away as I have been sharing a subscription with a good friend who is now ill and I do not know what will happen in the days ahead. One thing I could do is take a taxi home but that gets expensive to do week after week and I just don't have that much money these days. Oh, what to do, wtd, wtd, wtd???

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