Friday, July 29, 2005

I am disturbed by this trend towards having everyone watching everyone else for suspiscious activity. In this morning's SF Chronicle there were some specific guidelines which could help clear the air a bit.

The article reports that BART is asking riders to report unattended packages or suspicious behavior but here is one example of what the agency considers suspicious behavior which I have a problem with:

"Taking pictures or videotaping in areas of no interest to the general public."

I have no problem with most everything on the list but the one listed above disturbs me. As a freelance photographer and a member of the Boston Street Railway Association, the National Association of Railroad Passengers, and the Market Street Railway Association, I routinely photorgraph trains, trolleys, and buses. Would this now mean that I would automatically be considered a suspicious person by doing what I have done for many years? Well, I guess I better always keep my membership cards with me at all times from here on out. I tell you, this country is going paranoid.

There are many good suggestions and reminders on that list which should be read by all but I would like an explanation from BART concerning the suggestion listed above.

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