Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hollow and Empty

This is to be expected from that airhead Bush but nevertheless,we can wonder what other underhanded, under the table, dirty tricks this idiot has planned for what used to be a great country. This is certainly no longer the America I grew up with. He has sold the country down the tubes to the highest bidder. I wonder what company it is? Anyway, if you are not white and rich, you are going to have a devil of a time in the future with the way he has gutted everything of worth in U.S. Government.


A quarter century of conservative rule has broken the US economy for working families. Beginning with Ronald Reagan, we were assured that government was the problem not the solution and that deregulation and massive tax cuts for the rich would unleash the market's productive forces and create prosperity for everyone. But real economic prosperity does not come from unbridled competition unchecked by fairness and a decent regard for the common good. It is not measured in return on investment or the number of new billionaires. Real economic prosperity comes from the full employment of the workforce and a fair sharing of the gains of productivity and economic growth. It requires new rules for a new economy and a new commitment to creating good jobs that can make America competitive again.

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