Friday, March 02, 2007

Idiocy in Action

The whole world is going crazy. First the people that run the Olympics say the other groups can not use the word Olympics in describing their athletic events, such as Gay Olympics. Now the NFL wants to trademark the words "Big Game", "Super Bowl", etc. Well, I am sure that the people at Cal (Berkeley) and Stanford will have something to say about the "Big Game" which has been going on longer than the NFL has been in existence.

Then we have people in the State of California who want to institute mandatory spaying and neutering of pets. I agree that many need that but what about professional breeders? At this point the proposed law would make it very difficult and costly for such people to get exemptions from this draconian measure.

Then we have people (businesses, governments, etc.) who say we cannot say Easter Bunny. That is being replaced with Spring Bunny...or Holiday Tree replaces Christmas Tree...or Happy Holidays is a no-no. One must say Merry Christmas even though that time of the year involves more than just the traditional Christian celebration of Christmas. We have certainly become to politically correct for our own good. Get a life folks and chill out.

Now for my other pet peeve. And that is young people who were the baggiest of pants and do so with them almost down to their knees. The kids who dress that way really are a mess. So far I have not seen young people in other countries dress that way and this is one thing that I hope does not get exported to other countries. American foods, TV shows, movies, etc., have been exported and embraced in other cultures but this is one thing that needs to stay at home and hopefully eradicated at home as well.

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