Sunday, March 02, 2008

In March 1958 Mayor George Christopher was quoted as saying "City employees have no business living outside San Francisco. In the case of policemen, he said, they must be available around the clock for emergency duty. But the question of residence for the city's other 18,000 employees goes deeper than that, he said. "We're becoming a city where people work, not where they live. We can't sustain this city on people who lunch here." The mayor also said a city employee's loyalty would be split if he were to live in another city.

Well, I certainly agree with that and feel that such laws should still be in effect in one form or another. This is a city, not of working people, but of visiting people, and that needs to change. We need people living here, paying taxes here and not taking the money and running off to some other city to spend it.

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