Tuesday, March 11, 2008

So now the Gavinator and various others are suddenly concerned about clean sheets, soap, and toilet paper at homeless shelters. Well let me tell you that if you were to suddenly house these people in the swankiest hotel in town that the place would be in total chaos and a complete and utter mess within a few weeks. Many of those people do not know how to take care of things and they don't care either.
I wonder how long we will continue to subsidize those who can physically work and how long we will fail to institutionalize the mentally ill, especially those who refuse to take medications already prescribed for them in an out-patient clinic. This is truly the city that does not know how.

In today SF Examiner I read a letter from someone who claims that Prop 98 will not retroactively eliminate all rent controls, that it will only be phased in as units becomes available. At this time this sounds like the writer of that letter must be part of the YES on 98 group. If that were true then passage of this proposition would make it even more difficult for me to retain my rent controlled apartment which I have occupied for 15 years as the pressure to evict would be even greater if it were known that the new occupant would not be living in a rent controlled apartment.

As it is now, when a tenant moves out the rent can go up to market rate for the next tenant but the next tenant would be living in a rent controlled apartment for the duration of his or her occupancy.

One thing I most vehemently disagree with is the proposal from Chris "Raging Bull" Daly who wants Lenmar and others to sell at least half of their new units in the Hunter Point and other developments for below cost. With whom did that idiot study economics? With Vladimir Lenin?

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