Sunday, July 25, 2010

Things that go bump in the night...

Well, in this case it was more like "tap tap tap tap". I could not not tell where this sound originated but it sounded like upstairs or next to me, either of which would have been good guesses for unexplained noises. Apparently this was not the case and I need to talk with the resident building manager now as I saw her standing in the courtyard about six o'clock this morning (I could not get back to sleep.) and I heard several male voices and other sounds. When I looked out the second time I saw what appeared to be fireman taking something (or someone???) out. All I could see was the bottom of black pants with some florescent green markings near the bottom. I never heard any sirens or two way radios so this is a mystery at the moment

This building is such that unidentified sounds are liable to originate anywhere at any time of the day or night. The ghost of Sally Stanford??? Well, her SF bordello did occupy this site until it was torn down in the fifties. Was that an unhappy event for her and how did the current owner's late husband come to acquire the property?

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