Saturday, March 20, 2004

Anti-war protesters

Today will be a good day to stay out of downtown San Francisco as thousands of anti-war protesters take to the streets. BART is increasing service to accommodate them but I saw NO-NO-NO. BART should shut down its transbay service for the day as should A.C. Transit and if the bridges were draw bridges they should be raised for the day. Let the people from other cities who want to protest the war do so in their own cities. They don't need to come here and disrupt things here. This city is already chaotic enough without them. Also, there is an element who come to this city with only one thing in mind and that is to commit acts of vandalism. We don't need them. They should stay at home.

Why does everyone feel the need to protest on the streets of San Francisco. Wouldn't it be more effective if all communities held protests but no, the only thing those back east see is a big protest in downtown San Francisco. Oh well, you know, those liberals in San Francisco are at it again. It does not matter to people back east that many of those people are from other cities.

I agree with the sentiments of the protesters but I want nothing to do with these marches which will accomplish absolutely nothing. NADA...ZILCH! You name it. The White House already looks down at us and this will only reinforce their view of this bastion of liberalism.

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