Friday, March 26, 2004

Routine week

I guess I am getting settled in a routine now three months into my retirement. At first I did not know what my schedule would be like but now I have developed a pattern to things which usually start with coffee at the computer at 7 AM as I check for e-mail and read the news on-line. After that I will either go to the grocery store or read some more in one of the books I am reading (currently The Messianic Legacy by the same guys who wrote Holy Blood, Holy Grail). At lunch time I will either eat at home or go out to eat which I sometimes try to coordinate with picking up my mail at the Gateway Station of the US Post Office (EC #1). In the afternoon I will either do some more scanning of slides or do work on my website plus some more reading later in the afternoon. If I am feeling tired as I was today I will take a thirty or forty minute nap in the late afternoon. It cannot be longer than that as it tends to be disorienting if it goes longer than that. I eat an early dinner now so I can watch the 6 PM news. The evening is a mixed bag of some TV shows, some reading, or listening to some music on the stereo. Real exciting week eh?

After I return from Thailand in May I will finally contact the SF SPCA about doing some volunteer work. This was one of my goals for retirement but I have been putting it off in order to let the dust settle on my routine and now I need to wait until I return to the U.S. I don't want to volunteer for something end then have to tell them I won't be available for an assignment right away.

Tomorrow's Met broadcast is Salome with Karita Mattila in the title role. I do plan to listen to that and will do so on the Internet through KING-FM in Seattle. Siegfried Jerusalem sings the role of Herod. I have not heard him in a long time so I do not know what condition his voice is in now but as I recall, that role is not that big. Jochanaan (John the Baptist) is an important role but I know nothing about baritone Albert Dohmen so we will see.


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