Monday, March 08, 2004


I need something desperately as each day seems to be the same as the previous one. I am waiting for baseball season to open (the regular season) so I don't have to hear so much about Bush on the news. I really think we should adopt the rule of limiting campaigns to six weeks as the British do. Eight months of BS is seven months and 30 some days too much! Argh...

At least the weather has finally cooperated and produced a few beautiful days. I wonder how long this will last. Yesterday the high in San Francisco was in the mid-seventies and I think it is the same today. It is 70 in the shade on my deck anyway.

Went shopping today to look for some new items to take to Thailand in May but did not find what I wanted so I bought a new cell phone instead. What?? Well, I did want something other than the old clunky Kyocera that I have had for several years but now I have to notify everyone of a change in cell phone numbers. Also, my business cards are once again in need of revision. Yuck! Another expense.

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