Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Not so sure

I am a confirmed chocoholic but I am not sure I could go for this. It just might be overkill but read on:


LONDON (Reuters) - Chocoholics seeking to indulge their passion this Easter will appreciate a British hotel chain's diet-busting chocolate sandwich, which boasts the added attraction of being dipped in batter and deep-fried.

Ramada Jarvis introduced the delicacy last month and said on Wednesday the calorie-heavy dish had become the fastest selling dessert on its menu. "We were surprised it has become so popular, although it is very tasty," said the chain's director of food and beverages Debbie Walter. The sandwich is particularly popular in Scotland, traditional birthplace of the mother of all deep-fried desserts, the battered Mars bar.

Mindful that Britain, along with other Western countries, faces an increasing problem of obesity the hotel chain also offers less fattening desserts. "The chocolate sandwich is not something if you are on a serious calorie-controlled diet, but we do offer alternatives," said Walter.

Ramada Jarvis has 65 hotels in Britain, but only 36 currently offer the waist-expanding dessert.

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