Saturday, February 11, 2006

Disco Night at the Olympics

It was a varied and interesting evening for the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics from Torino, Italy, but the choice of music for the entrance of the athletes was surprising. Since I danced to a lot of that music in the 70s and early 80s it was enjoyable but had I been one of the athletes I would have been dancing in, not walking in. Perhaps they should have saved that music for the closing ceremonies which are less formal. Then the athletes who feel so inclined, could dance into the stadium. The music covered a wide range from disco to opera including the Grand March from the opera Aida for the entrance of the Olympic Flag and then Luciano Pavarotti's singing of Nesun Dorma. One thing that was pleasing was that the talking heads at NBC did less talking than during the previous Olympics. This time they tended to let the show play out with only minimal comments from the booth.

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