Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Fools, fools, fools

I can't believe how these simple minded fools in Washington D.C. are acting. First they are glad to see that the Palestinians had a free election. Then they were not happy with the outcome so Bush and Blair get together to start plotting ways to destabilize the new Hamas regime. Now Condoleeza Rice wants to spend $75 million dollars to promote democracy in Iran. What makes these idiots think that any of those countries care one iota about democracy? Sure, they envy us becuase we are a rich country and they might like to have some of the material things we have, that is, if their religions don't prohibit such things, but in countries where democracy is not imedded in the soul, in the psyche of its peoples, it is not of interest and we will never be able to force it down their throats. We are contributing to increased ill will around the world by trying to do so. We need to stop judging other countries by our own standards. We are bankrupting the country trying to do so.

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