Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I would like the various Attorneys-General of the various states to investigate and prosecute spammers who clutter up email boxes with junk. One such outfit has sent at least three such emails to me since 6 PM PT last night. The email addresses are "prizedept@221.mx01.net", "prizedept@13.asp050.com", and "prizedept@103.mailzips.com" and I have traced those email addresses to the following company...

OptinRealBig.com LLC
1333 W. 120th Ave Suite 101
Westminster, CO 80234
Phone: 303-464-8164

These people should be put out of business immediately. Is there anyone out there who can take them to court and do just that?

This is just the tip of iceberg as there are many more such operations around the world but we must start somewhere to get rid of these vermin.

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