Thursday, March 30, 2006


What is all this baby talk at Washington Mutual lately in pushing WA MU checking accounts. Why does everyone have to try to abbreviate things in one form or another these day?

What is going on with the Catholic Diocese of Oakland? After the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 they could not afford to repair their damaged Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales so it was torn down and since then they have been sharing space with St. Elizabeth's in Chinatown. Also, in the seventies they could not afford to repair the old organ in the gallery but in the eighties they could afford to install a brand new one on the left side of the church. (It was sold to another parish following the earthquake.) Now they are building a brand new cathedral (which will have a pipe organ) which is costing them $180,000,000. Where did all this money suddenly come from?

Then we have BART suffering through several recent shutdowns related to computer problems. This only points out the problem of not having the option of full manual control. It is technically possible but the California State Public Utilities Commission has not premitted it so BART has has to rely totally on computer control but for some strange reason they decided to make some computer changes right in the middle of the rush hour yesterday which did not work and that brought the whole system to a grinding halt. Great going guys! &%*#@%$*

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