Sunday, December 21, 2008


As a member of the Boston Street Railway Association I receive a bi-monthly magazine called Rollsign. It features articles and photos of transit in Boston and the surrounding areas. I always enjoy receiving this magazine however the July/August issue blew me away with a photo on the front cover of the Usher Building in West Medford, Massachesetts where I grew up. Looking at that photo and some others in this issue during the past few days has awakened many memories of my early childhood. Memories of my grammar school (Brooks Elementary), the church my parents took me too (First Congregational Church of West Medford), some of my pals of the time and some not (John, Leonard, Stephen, Eddie, Howard) and my favorite Bob Kelley who lived with his parents in Pennsylvania but spent the summer at his grandmother's house near our house on Monument Street. Speaking of time machines, wow, those photos have made me feel like I was in one. The re-awakened memories have been so strong that they caused me to have many dreams of that period last night.

I had been doing some on-line research during the past year regarding the area and now I want to return to Boston and walk those streets and photograph the area once again. I have not been there in at least ten years and now I am very curious to see what things look like now.

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