Monday, December 22, 2008


I wonder if anyone else out there finds Jim Cramer of MSNBC to be a loud obnoxious wind bag. As I write this my roommate has that channel on and this fool so infuriated me that I felt like throwing MY shoe at HIM (or at least the TV set). LOL

Well, more memories of my early life today but none so strong as I had yesterday. One weird dream though. My hair is not particularly long but in a dream last night a bat appeared out of nowhere and hit my head (something they would never do with their built in sonar) and then got entangled in my hair. The result was that I had to go to the ER to get him disentangled and to get a tetnus show because he bit me while I was trying to remove him. Honestly folks, I am not on drugs (of any type).

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