Saturday, August 23, 2003

Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse?

Well, at least I feel like going back in time to a more peaceful and safer age, that is, the middle of the 20th Century. Or, maybe I should move to a country outside the U.S. I have a few places in mind but financing such a move would be the biggest problem and since I did not win the $93,000,000 lotto prize a few weeks ago, I won't be doing anything like that.

California politics continues to make headlines around the world because of our recall election now definitely scheduled for the 7th of October. Gray Davis may loose but who will the winner be? I doubt that it will be the State of California. I may vote NO and Bustamente but will that help? The legislature is a big problem in itself and since the not-so-enlightened voters of this state voted for term limits not too many years ago as the way of avoiding actually having to go out and vote the critters out of office, we now have a revolving door on the state house. Even the good members of the legislature can't stay for very long so we end up with a bunch of inexperienced nincompoops in Sacramento.

Oh well, September is around the corner and the opera and symphony seasons opens so I can enjoy some things in life anyway. Even our San Francisco Giants maintain a healthy lead over the Arizona Diamondbacks. I do not know what the magic number is however for winning the division. They meet the D'Backs two more times before the season ends and I will be at one of the those games on the 7th of September. It would be nice if that is the game in which they clinch the Western Division Championship.

That is all from my end for now.


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