Monday, June 07, 2004

The Reagan years will be remembered differently by different people and letter writer Lisa Ochs points out very well in her letter to the editor of the SF Chronicle this morning, how bad some things really were/are. His legacy is most evident in such cities as San Francisco and other large cities where the Reagan health care and housing budget cuts forced many people onto the streets. First, as governor, he closed many of this state's mental hospitals which he saw as useless and ineffective. Many were but he had no plan for replacing them with anything. Thus, many mentally ill people ended up on the street. Then as president he helped cut the national health care and housing budget which only exacerbated the problem. Now, a Reagan/Bush think alike, Arnie, is taking away from the cities of California in order to try to balance the State's budget. How do such short sighted people get into politics anyway?!???!!

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