Sunday, September 19, 2004

Keep your hands off the ball!

What is so difficult about the concept of letting the hired players play the game? Why do so many fans want to grab a ball that is in play. Fan interference changes the play and can be disadvantageous to either team. Take today's hit by J.T. Snow at SBC Park. True, the bases were loaded so a couple of run did score but J.T. had to stop at second base and the runner approaching third had to stop there. That cost us a run but other incidents have been such that the outcome of the game was effected. That unruly fan was escorted out of the park but I think more needs to be done such as fine the offenders at least $100 for the first offense in addition to be ejected from the park and then higher for subsequent offenses. There has just been too much of this and it has to stop - NOW.

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