Friday, September 03, 2004

Now that the RNC (Revolting National Convention) is over, we still have to endure two months of lies, distortions, and mud slinging and apparently Bush is now ahead in the polls. I sure hope that doesn't last. The big problem seems to be that people are so scared that they fear one or more terrorists attacks in future and feel that Bush is best equipped to handle that. That he would be a strong president on terrorism. Interesting but that didn't stop 9/11. It is a far more complex problem than that pea brained nincompoop can handle.

Unfortunately Kerry is not very inspiring but he is the only one I can vote for. I am not sure why he won so many Democratic primaries. He was sure not my first choice and now we are stuck with him. Kerry needs to come out swinging after this Labor Day weekend and hit Bush in the bread basket. Also he needs to use John Edwards more extensively and other prominent Democrats in the campaign. My favorite speakers from the Democratic party from the past were Barbara Jordan and Mario Cuomo. More recently Barak Obama.

Guess it is time to go take my blood pressure pills and have a lie down. ha ha ha

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