Sunday, September 19, 2004

STOP THE WORLD, I WANT TO GET OFF! At least that might be what I feel if Bush wins in November. One statement out of his camp that was especially galling was Cheney's remark that there might be another terrorist attack if John Kerry is in the White House. Really? Doesn't he realize that 9/11 took place on his watch?

Now, some Bush oppponents are raising the fear of more wars during a Bush second term to which a former West Point professor responds that this is "fear-mongering". Here is part of the news story:

" Playing on the fear factor, Vice President Dick Cheney
suggested in a campaign speech there might be another terrorist attack on the United States if John Kerry were in the White House.

President Bush's opponents' are raising their own worst fears, including the potential for more wars during a second Bush term.

"That's fear-mongering," said Joseph Carafano, a 25-year Army veteran and former West Point professor who now is an analyst with the conservative Heritage Foundation.

The rhetoric continued during the weekend. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., speaking at a Saturday night fund-raiser in DeKalb, Ill., said his opinion is that the al-Qaida terror network could operate better with Kerry in the White House instead of Bush. Kerry's running mate, John Edwards, issued a statement Sunday accusing Hastert of using the "politics of fear," which Edwards said is a "clear sign of weakness and failed leadership."


I have always been a news junkie but tend to go nuclear when Bush appears on the TV screen and starts uttering nonsense. As a result, I try to stay away from news programs that feature prodiminantly national news. The Internet is safer as I can control what I watch and read.

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