Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I am glad to see that I not the only one who feels that these people who want to eliminate Hetch Hetchy are idiots. Here is an excellent letter to the editor from this morning's newspaper on the same subject.
"The Hetch Hetchy restoration people never give up, do they?

Now B. J. Swanson (Letters, April 25) perpetuates the foolish pipe dream, calling on San Francisco to store water "elsewhere" -- wherever that might be.

With its ever-growing population, the last thing California needs for the 21st century is reduced capacity for water storage and reduced generation of clean hydroelectric power.

Reason will prevail: O'Shaughnessy Dam will not be torn down; Hetch Hetchy Reservoir will not be drained; the valley in Yosemite National Park will not be restored. And that's that."
Yes, hopefully reason will prevail. Also, these people who want the City and County of San Francisco to take over power distribution in the county are also nuts. They think that rates would go down but when in actuality, they would probably go up, in part because of the tremendous expense in buying out PG&E's infrastructure to do it. We also know that municipalities seldom do things more cheaply that private business. Don't they??!!?? This city has enough (too much really) expenses to do deal with and having to buy, maintain, and distribute electricity is not something they should be in the business of doing.

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