Saturday, April 07, 2007

What do the U.S. Army and the FBI have in common? Both have men who can't shoot straight so "friendly fire" is causing problems with both.

Oh great, snow in Crawford, Texas. We already have a hard enough time trying to convince Bush of global warming. Now he is really not going to believe it.

The stupid war in Iraq grinds on and Bush wants more and more cannon fodder and for WHAT? The conflicts there are centuries old and he still believes that he is going to ram democracy down their throats. How sad!

"Two good letters to the editor yesterday concerning this mess.

"Who lost Iraq?" Iraq was lost before it was started. Vice President Dick Cheney, with former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's help, led the terribly mistaken neoconservative charge into Iraq. They naively thought that after "taking down" Saddam Hussein, our military forces would be welcomed and they could wave a magic wand that would introduce democracy and smooth over ancient quarrels. Their belief that the result would be a free, peaceful and subservient Iraq, making "our" oil safe, was a gross error in judgment. More than anyone else, Cheney bears responsibility for "losing" Iraq. For his ignorance, arrogance, manipulation and lies, the vice president is the official that the House should impeach."

"People, especially conservatives, like to quote Winston Churchill. In light of their grousing about Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Middle East trip, may I remind them of Churchill's opinion that "To jaw, jaw is always better than to war, war.'' Pity that so many in this administration have it backward."
Well, be a good egg ya'll and enjoy the day tomorrow.

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