Thursday, September 04, 2003

Feeling better

A couple of days ago I was worried about a friend who might have been overly concerned about a planned vacation to Thailand but a call from him on Tuesday night was pleasant and gave no indication of trouble. I guess I just worry too much.

The idiots in Washington D.C. continue to do or say what they please regardless of what other countries think. The Bush regime is so deceived in many matters that if we get through this administration's rule without further damage, it will be a miracle.

It has been nice this week having my co-worker back. She returned on Tuesday following three months on maternity leave-of-absence. It seemed like a l-o-n-g three months to me but now everything is back to normal.

Recall madness seems to spreading as some people in Nevada want to recall Gov. Guinn and now some people in Rohnert Park, California want to recall members of the city council because they are backing a casino to be run by Native Americans. Whatever happened to the ballot box and going out to vote? Certainly recent elections have had very low turnouts so there is no justification for people complaining about what or who they got. If you don't vote, don't complain and don't try to cut someone's term of office short simply because you disagree with what he or she did. The election process is where you decide who to elect or not.

See you at the polls...

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