Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Life is dangerous!

The federal government for the first time has placed X-rays and some viruses on its list of cancer-causing agents along with chemicals formed by frying and grilling meat.

Also on the list of 17 new carcinogens, released Monday, were lead and lead compounds, toilet bowl deodorants and substances in textile dyes, paints and inks.

Great, something else to worry about - not! First the government tells us that we should make sure sure that the heat is high enough to kill off bacteria when cooking certain meats. Now it tells that doing so can cause the formation of cancer-causing agents. OK, guys, which will it be? Death by poisoning or death by cancer???

Really folks...we must get a grip on life and realize that life is and always has been dangerous. Nothing is safe and never has been. You could simply fall down the stairs, break a leg and have other complications which would lead to death. No, I am not saying don't protect yourself but all these governmental warnings over the years, many of which are contradictory, are getting a little tiring.

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