Saturday, August 06, 2005

American's didn't flock to Canada after Bush win. I guess people just got used to it and are looking forward to 2008 when we can elect someone else. Moving to any country is not easy no matter how you look at it. I qualify for a retirement Visa in Thailand (Canada does not have such a Visa) but even with that there are a number of bureaucratic obstacles to overcome along the way and moving 10,000 miles is not easy in itself. So while I like the thought of moving to Thailand, the whole package of rules, regulations, and logistics of such a move are mind boggling for an ol' fart (that's me). Ha! What I would like to be able to afford is to maintain my current residency in San Francisco and establish two other residences in Paris and New York with frequent trips to points further east possible. [Dream on...dream on.]

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