Tuesday, August 09, 2005

One letter to the editor of the SF Chronicle this morning contains some thoughts and questions for Bush that I like:
President Bush says he wants to "expose people to different schools of thought" on the theory of evolution. I wonder if he might also push to include in public schools' curriculums these relevant topics: Discussion of homosexuality as a normal human condition; global warming as a consequence of overdependence on fossil fuels; imperialistic impulses of power-hungry oil zealots creating wars overseas or how feminism is a reasonable way to create parity between the sexes?

While he is touting such a balanced approach to controversial topics, perhaps he'd also like to explain why no Capitol Hill or White House child is serving our country in wars abroad, and why he can visit Saudi families but not the American families of war victims.
Of course we all know that open discussion went out the window when Bush was elected president. How sad!

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