Friday, September 02, 2005

What a mess!

The Bush seems to be preoccupied with Iraq and is only now taking notice of an immense tragedy in Mississippi and Louisiana. The anger and desperation is growing and there is sharp criticism now to the U.S. reaction to this event. And if that weren't enough, the city of New Orleans has been rocked by some explosions at a chemical storage plant this morning. Bush fiddled while New Orleans flooded. That could be an interesting campaign slogan for the opposition if he were up for re-election. I wonder if congress will wake up to his ineptness and find a way to impeach him for dereliction of duty.

How about a new-New Orleans?

"Editor -- Why would a major city be built below sea level with levees to keep out the water? Rebuild New Orleans? For what purpose? So that it can be destroyed by another hurricane?
It's time we put some effort into evacuating major hurricane areas. The annual cost of hurricane cleanup, not to mention the toll in human life, is astronomical.

It's the taxpayers who foot the bill. And it seems that the hurricane season is getting only worse, more than likely as a result of the Earth's warming.

In any event, it seems pointless to constantly rebuild towns and cities in the path of hurricanes when those areas could be evacuated. And we could start with New Orleans."

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