Tuesday, October 04, 2005

From there to here

There was last week I guess. Here is now but what am I doing with it? Not much so far.

On Sunday I went to the final game of the Giants 2005 season. It was fan appreciation day and over 40,000 showed up to show their appreciation of the Giants even though they were out of contention.

Yesterday it was my birthday (don't ask) so I went to Happy Hour for a few G&Ts. That was enjoyable as usual but today my blood pressure has been running higher than average. It was 138/75 when I got up around seven o'clock which in itself was higher than usual but then by 12 noon it had shot up to 152/81, the highest reading in months. What is going on? They say that high blood pressure is a silent killer and I certainly do not feel any different today than I did yesterday. If it weren't for using a blood pressure monitor on a daily basis due to some problems earlier in the year, I would not know about this. I thought that things had stabilized with an average reading of 125/72 but the readings of yesterday and today have been surprising.

Now a friend wants to know how to split his roommates DSL line so that he can connect his computer to the same line or service. I don't think that is possible. That is, two different IP addresses on the same line but I will have to investigate.

And with that I am out of here for now.

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