Sunday, October 30, 2005

Not to worry

Sometimes when I worry about the youth of today and what it means for the future of this country, I read letters in the newspaper like the one that appears below and it gives me hope that not all is lost in this country.

Life is random -- and full of anti-social types

Editor -- I'm a junior at Santa Cruz High School. After I read Steven Winn's article, "Turn on, tune in, drop out -- today's motto" (Oct. 20), I was inspired enough to respond.

I absolutely agree. I do not own a cell phone or an iPod, and am regularly asked by my peers how I live. I don't know how many times I have tried to initiate a conversation with a schoolmate who has a hood up, only to find that he or she hasn't heard a word I've said because he or she was listening to an iPod. The simplicity of completely tuning out frightens me, because I think that it magnifies a social pandemic in our country.


Santa Cruz


A million thank-yous to Nicole for this letter.

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