Sunday, October 09, 2005

New buildings in San Francisco

John King has written an excellent article in today's Chronicle Magazine section entitled Into the Modern Age which is about the two newest buildings in San Francisco, the new deYoung Museum in Golden Gate Park opening this coming week (the 15th & 16th) and the new Federal office building at 7th & Misison which will open next year. Both are controversial but based on my preview tour a few weeks ago, I think the deYoung is a good structure (except for the pigeons).

In recent years I have felt that this city has grown rather conservative and it apparently has always been that way with regard to architecture as the skylines of other cities around the world are more interesting. John King makes a very important statement in this article which says: "Here's a city that prides itself on bending genders, pushing political hot buttons and changing the way that Americans eat. Check your inhibitions at the door, right? Yet new buildings are expected to bow down low and mind their manners. Don't make waves. Play if safe." So true, John, so true. Too many buildings are DOA - dull on arrival as he says.

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