Sunday, July 25, 2004

Only five months left until Christmas...argghhhh.........
So how has your day been so far?  Mine got off to a good start when I read some of the answers to the question "Is Arnold's star starting to dim?" in this morning's Chronicle.  I liked the following answers:  "Arnold is the junk food of American politics.  After the rush comes the crash...";  "Arnold's star started to dim when he implied he would pay for his own campaign and then didn't...";  and my two favorites from those printed, "Let's hope he's seen for what he really is - a charismatic, ignorant front man for moneyed interests..."  and  "If you mean an inarticulate, misogynistic, fiery mass of ignorance, then no, I would say his star is shining quite brightly".  Those last two had me giggling all morning.
Our weather, while breezy today, is warm enough so the wind doesn't matter this time.  At least it does not feel like it is off the ocean although I can see the fog handing off the ocean from Nob Hill so it will probably be in rather thickly tonight.



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