Friday, July 30, 2004

Well, its over, finally.  What?  The DNC of course.  Many good speeches along the way but much drivel from commentators, regulars and guests too. Especially galling was one right wing commentator who followed Kerry's excellent speech by calling it "backwards".  Well, I guess the Republicans are only good at looking backwards themselves so anything that is different or good would also seem so.  Anyway, one letter writer in today's Chronicle said it very well as follows:
"Stop the corporate media spin on the speeches at the Democratic Convention! And do the same for the Republican Convention!

We've heard many meaningful oratories at the Democratic Convention. Unfortunately, these have been followed by "analysis" by corporate media experts that renders the speeches meaningless via biased opinion and speculation.

Let's stop the influence of corporate media. Let the people decide what is right. This is how a clean democracy works. We are not fools."

Oh, I hope I can get through the RNC and the campaign that will follow.  Bush will let his dogs out to do as much harm as possible without ever stating anything positive that will help the country and those in most need of help but you can be sure that Cheney and Halliburton will do well if he is re-elected or re-appointed.  The coup in 2000 was bloodless but I wonder if another one can be. 

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