Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Better days lay ahead, I hope

Now that I have some part time assistance during Ruby's absence, things are looking up. I just hope that the four hours per week (two on Tuesday and two on Thursday) will be enough to keep my house of cards from collapsing.

Had an interesting card from the San Francisco Opera this week. It states: La damnation de Faust is the story about Mephistopheles' evil nature and Faust's human weakness. The production presents good and bad; purity and corruption; sanity and insanity. Because Le damnation de Faust includes violence, sexual content and partial nudity, we believe the production is suitable for mature audiences. If you would like to exchange your tickets for one of our more traditional operas...blah, blah, blah. Well, I always did feel that G rated operas were boring. hahaha

This should be an interesting weekend however as Friday night I will be at the symphony where a concert version of Wagner's Flying Dutchman is being performed. Then on Saturday the opera is performing the Berlioz music which was not written with staging as an opera in mind. So the tables are turned on both pieces of music this weekend. I have no idea what to expect from the opera as about the only piece of his music that I am familiar with is the Symphonie Fantastique and the overture to Herold in Italy.

Well, I see in the news this morning that the White House is trying to pressure Sharon not to target Hamas leaders. Isn't this being a bit hyprocritical since we targeted Hussein? Now Bush is trying to buy votes in 2004 by doing something that should have been done years ago and that is add prescription drugs to Medicare coverage. That is good if he does not take away anything in the process but it won't buy my vote no matter what.

What a crazy world we live in.

Bye for now.

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