Saturday, November 29, 2003

Day after

I survived turkey day despite what one co-worker said would happen. hahaha

I had a nice dinner with a friend in Vallejo and then joined another friend for brunch Friday morning.

I finally got started with Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code. It has only been sitting here on my desk for two weeks now. But like his other book Angels and Demons, it is difficult to put down once you get started.

Today? Don't know yet although I was thinking of going to the Metreon to see Mystic River. I also need to do a little Christmas shopping (yuck) but fortunately I do not have much to buy and I did get some ideas when I was in Vallejo on Thanksgiving.

Did you ever wonder where certain expressions come from and why? For some reason "cute as a bug in a rug" was on my mind this morning and on the surface that makes no sense at all. What bug is cute especially when in a rug? hahaha This almost defies logic or is it that I just need another cup of coffee.

I had to keep the TV turned off yesterday as there was too much news about Bush's trip to Iraq which was just another photo op and a way to buy votes in November. Such as idiot we don't we four more years of.

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