Thursday, November 13, 2003

More ramblings

Strange, this Diet Coke I am drinking tastes more like beer. Is that a craving or is it some sort of chemical reaction to the tuna sandwich I just ate or the chocolate brownie I am now eating.

Glad to see that the Bloomingdale's project construction will finally get underway. This will really make that section of Market Street into a very dynamic area. I can hardly wait for it to open, especially the food court. heh heh heh

I am now making more plans for January 2004. I used to have a post New Year's gathering of friends on the first or second Sunday following New Year's Day but suspended it after a few years due to logistical problems of too much food in my small studio apartment. I think this time I will limit things to snacks, appetizers, that sort of thing, plus booze of course. BYOB might be the order of the day but my plans are still evolving.

Tonight I will attend my firm's Alumni Reception. It will be a first for me. There have been no general announcements about my retirement but it could leak out tonight. Since the general announcement will be made next week when our operations manager returns, this should not present too much of a problem. I just don't like news spreading via the gossip circuit. It can get distorted.

Now that I have broadband high speed internet cable, I can get busy and complete the uploading of photos from my recent vacation in Italy. Only the pictures from Venice remain but I may revise some other pages as well. Websites are always on-going projects anyway so I need to review the other pages to see where new material might be needed and/or old material deleted.

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